Tuesday, November 30, 2010

C4K Summary Post

children playing

My C4K #9 was about a child who reminded everyone about the sacrifice veterans made. I let her know how I felt about her post, because it was amazing. So instead of summarizing it, I would like everyone to read it. http://kidblog.org/MissByrnesClass/kaylee67/lest-we-forget-3/
C4K #10 was about the planets. He had a picture that he used to help him remember the order of the planets from the sun.  I told him the way that I learned the planet, and about how it was nine planets when I was coming up. C4K #11 was a summary of a book. The book was about a little girl and Christmas. I told her that I thought that was a good story, and what I thought Christmas was about. I encouraged each of them to keep up the good work and let them know that they were doing a good job. C4K was a good experience for me.

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